PACFA & ACA Endorsed Workshop
November 1st 2024, online (6 to 8pm), November 2nd & 3rd 2024, in-person (9am to 4.30pm)
Group Therapy is a significant component of therapeutic care however, group therapy programs in Australia are mostly psychoeducational or skills based and under-utilize the group process as an agent of change. Irrespective of the setting or model of the therapy group, the interpersonal group process, either implicitly or explicitly, has a powerful influence on outcomes.
Exploring Here-and-Now interactions as they inevitably emerge in group therapy settings can enhance deep interpersonal learning, self-understanding, and healing. However, as practitioners we may find it challenging to effectively work with the Here-and-Now.
In this workshop Trevor Armitage will explore with you the therapeutic power of facilitating interpersonal learning and provide practical guidance and hands-on experience of facilitating the Here-and-Now process. In a safe supportive workshop environment you can discover your strengths and learning edges when working in the Here-and-Now.
Workshop Aims:
- Expand knowledge of the theory of Interpersonal Group Therapy.
- Provide experiential understanding of the Here-and-Now group process
- Explore the power of interpersonal learning and feedback and observe others’ facilitation skills.
- Expand your skills by facilitating the Here-and-Now process emerging in the workshop
- Gain understanding of therapeutic benefits of utilising Here-and-Now process.
- Discuss the complexities of setting-up and sustaining group therapy in private practice
Workshop Information
Facilitator: Trevor Armitage
Trevor establishes a respectful and supportive container allowing time to reflect, debrief and integrate learning. The experiential workshop environment encourages you to:
- step into the facilitator role under his guidance
- explore interactions between participants
- give and receive feedback about your style of working with here-and-now
- discuss how the whole group is functioning.
Trevor has vast experience as a group therapist, psychotherapist, workshop trainer, educator and supervisor. He has run many process groups for psychotherapist trainees as well as professional development process groups for clinical practitioners. In his private practice he runs group therapy for his clients.
Participant Feedback:
“The workshop was fantastic! I wouldn’t change a thing! I was really impressed by how you started off with process with you as facilitator, then went to theory, then we each got a taste of facilitating. The dual process of having my own real-life triggers running parallel to my learning meant that what I learned really stuck with me. Thank you for a great experience, as always, challenging, thought provoking and ultimately shifting and changing me at depth.”
Where: Suite 2, 35 Hume St, Crows Nest, NSW 2065
Cost: $700 + GST
CPD: 14 hours of PACFA and ACA endorsed CPD
To register please contact Trevor.
0411 125 153